Power Rangers HyperForce starts off this time pretty much where we left off. They are aboard their time ship exploring it because they have never seen one so advanced before. Later on we learn that it is a proto-type, a 2.0 of the standard time ship. While searching for stuff, the rangers find the beds, food area, med bay, etc. Also, Chloe by accident presses a “don’t press" button which in turns unlocks a compartment which has their new weapon, the Hyper blade blaster! A combination of the chrono blaster and chrono sword. However, they soon realize they aren’t moving. With the help of Alpha 55, Vesper starts up the ship to time travel, while Alpha inputs the location. They “Hyper Jump” to Angel Grove Oct 31, 1994. (You can start nerding out now.)
They figure the best course of action would be to blend in with the locals, trying to find a disturbance. Alpha is able to get them street clothes matching the time period. However, we soon find out they have no idea what Halloween is. I guess they don’t have that in 3016. Eddie and Jack know very little but try their best to explain it to the rest of the team. As they are teleported outside the ship, they notice children trick-or-treating. Marv gets scared as one of the kids is dressed as a demon. He then says something to the effect of “So…the kid defeated a demon and decided to wear his skin!?” Eddie not sure what to say replies “yea that could be it.” They watch the kids and Chloe decides they should go trick-or-treating too. She falls in love with candy corn. Marv then says that they should focus on their mission and continue searching for the Alliance. They end up at every teenagers favorite place to hang out Ernie’s Juice Bar!!! (the nostalgia.) They all split up to chat with the locals. Eddie goes to Ernie and gets a pineapple peach smoothie. Vesper, shows off her agility on the balance beam, bringing attention to herself and the others. Rocky, (yes it’s who you think it is.) asks them where they are from. Jack says "Stone Canyon". (sounds a bit familiar right?) Rocky then replies “I’m from there too, what area?” Marv thinking quick goes, “Oh what he meant to say was Summer Cove." (Haha, Ninja Steel.) Satisfied with their answer he turns back to Vesper and starts hitting on her! (Doesn’t go anywhere though.) Jack wanders off and spots on the news (remember that small television Ernie had by the counter?) that there was a strange hovering ship at Angel Grove’s park. He immediately recognizes it as the time ship the leader of the Alliance stole. He quickly gathers the team and they head off to face the threat.
Our rangers head to park and see a time ship hovering. As they approach thinking of a way to get in, they notice people being chased by people dressed in gray. Jack says those aren’t people those are monsters from the time period. (Yes! Putties!!!) The rangers rush into action helping people and begin fighting the putties. The dice were not on their side for a while lol. It did take them some time but they were able to destroy all the putties. Just as the last of them disappeared the time ship’s door opened and the monster of the week is revealed! Its a giant piece of evil candy corn! It greets the rangers saying its name is Candy Cornicus and wants to destroy them all for its leader. (You think it knows Pumpkin Rapper?) Not taking any chances the rangers shout IT’S MORPHIN TIME!!! The morphing call goes “HyperForce! “color” Ready! Power Up! They fight bravely using everything they got including awesomely named moves such as “Serpent Strike” and “Ram Rage Berserker”. They defeat Candy Cornicus but the Alliance leader comes out of the ship and their victory is short lived. The Alliance leader recognizes them as Time Force cadets and mocks them saying that they aren’t real rangers. He then opens fire on Jack twice severely injuring him. Seeing that they are no match for him, Marv gets Alpha to teleport them out before more damage can be done. Back on the ship Marv and Eddie get Jack to the med bay (reminds me of the med bay they had on the Astro Megaship in PRiS.) Jack’s vitals are pretty low and they are freaking out trying to stabilize him. But then the ship starts rattling and loses power. The Alliance apparently found the ship and is now attacking. The last moment in the episode Jack’s heart monitor flat lines…
It was definitely an interesting episode this week. Especially the ending with a cliffhanger as serious as this. Would they really kill off a ranger? Also, if so, so early in the season? It has only really been done once in Lost Galaxy. It also reminds me of boom comics as they push the boundaries of what Power Rangers can do. Allowing Power Rangers to grow in multiple fields, allows them to explore a darker part of the ranger universe. I guess these questions will be answered next week so tune in. As for the rest of the episode it played out really well. Malik Lim, our GM is amazing, she gets fully involved in every aspect of the game. I really liked her villain of the week, Candy Cornicus. Great cheesy like villain that we would see in an actual episode of MMPR. She also introduced a new element that is from actual rpgs, called “popcorn initiative” where players take turns during a battle and pick who goes next. Her passion for Power Rangers does not go unnoticed. Another major thing that happened this episode was the Rangers finally morphed! Boy did I love the morphing sequence. I'm sure the cast was so hyped in recording that. Plus, the MMPR music in the background was great just wish we were able to get more Ron Wasserman music like “Fight” or "We Need A Hero”. Another point I wanna bring up was the Rangers special moves, greatly named by Peter. Malika says during the episode, "It’s like Peter came up with them or something”. I gotta say they are great. Some examples are: Eye of the Phoenix, Cerberus Maul, Python Ambush, Lunging Strike, and Ram Rage Berserker. As the episode progressed we got to know more about the rangers. Chloe is my favorite with her funny personality and charm. Plus, I love candy too. She’s absolutely hilarious. Marv showed bravery in the face of danger, taking a big hit for his team against Candy Cornicus during the fight. Though he is still quick to act, I feel that he is learning patience is a virtue. For Vesper, I have a theory that she might be an android by the tone of language and how she says certain things. It wouldn’t be the first time an android has been a ranger. Just a theory might be too soon to call. Eddie as we established is a smart guy but he’s also a reliable guy as he was helping everyone throughout the battle. Really hope Jack makes it through...
Author: ChronokinesisToy Collector and Power Rangers fan.
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Power Rangers HyperForce has started and it's definitely off to good start. The episode opens with a familiar face to many fans, fan favorite Erin Cahill who reprises her role as Jen Scotts (Time Force Pink). She's still a ranger, however, she's also a history instructor at the Time Force Academy in the year 3016. Found that pretty funny since she pretty much wrote history. In her class we meet cadets Vesper, Marv, and Eddie. Played by Cristina Vee, Peter Sudarso (Ninja Steel Blue) and Andre the Black Nerd. In true power ranger fashion they each have distinct traits. Eddie is clearly the smart one. Marv has a certain charisma to him but seems the jump the gun sometimes without thinking. Vesper has a thing for tech as she's playing around with a gadget she's made during class. Around the academy we meet our other two heroes, Jack and Chloe. Jack who's played by Paul "Bulk" Schrier, a veteran in the power ranger universe and fan favorite, is a beat cop who comes off as someone who you don't want to see if you're criminal. Chloe played by Meghan Camarena is another cadet but has this happy go lucky type of personality which I loved while watching. When we first meet her, she is helping herself to things in the evidence room. After meeting our future rangers, the academy gets attacked by brainwashed Time Force officers who are out to destroy Jen (and all other rangers). We also find out they call themselves the "Alliance". With quick thinking Jen try's to get to the bottom of things while doing her best to protect her students. However, they do split up as she says she has to get something that will help. But by the time they meet back up she's going head to head with the main bad guy (we don't know his name just yet) She gets defeated and is badly hurt. As the other come to help, the main badie escapes through a time ship. Jen hands them a case and says that she will do her best to fix things here while they have to follow the villain through time and stop them. When they get to the their time ship, they find Alpha 55! (Either King Lexian is still making Alphas' or maybe Adam Park after overdrive?) who tells them that there was a time jump to the year 1994 in a town called Angel Grove (mhm I wonder what's there???) The last part before the episode ends Jack opens the case Jen gave them and sees their morphers!
All in all is was a great start to the series. For someone who's a huge fan of power ranger but never really gotten into RPG games it was definitely an interesting experience. I really hope they do actually make the game available to the public in the future. (The dice, the cards, maybe even a morpher) The cast has great chemistry together especially Marv and Chloe, I do ship them lol. Maybe it's time another ranger couple actually kiss? Who knows. And I can't believe I've gone this far without mentioning Malika Lim, the games GM. She's absolutely amazing, brought the game/episode to life. She's very detailed and animated, it was so fun to watch a master at work. This couldn't have been a thing without her in so many ways. Not only is she the GM but she also designed the game. To one power ranger fan to another, I thank her from the bottom of my heart that we had the opportunity to experience power rangers in a new way. I can't wait for next week!
Author: ChronokinesisToy Collector and Power Rangers fan
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue : 20 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 10/25/2017 Writer : Kyle Higgins Artist : Hendry Prasetya Price : $3.99 Pages : 32 Regular Cover : Jamal Campbell Connecting Incentive Variant : Steve Morris Incentive Variant : Dan Mora Action Figure Variant : Joshua McDonald
"An eye-opening new piece of Power Rangers history is revealed! Well before Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini became Power Rangers, Zordon was forced to recruit Rangers to battle a foe who’s downright… psycho." COVERSPREVIEW
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The Power Rangers Series is quickly approaching its 25th anniversary season in 2018 and that means tons of 25th anniversary items will be released! One of these must have items is going to be the Boom! Studios Artist Tribute Book Scheduled for released in March of 2018. This hardcover collection of more than 60 pieces of original artwork will span across all 25 years of Power Rangers history and contain art from some of the most dynamic talents in comics including Kris Anka (Runaways), Adam Gorham (Black Panther), Marcus To (Joyride), Dan Mora (Klaus), and more!
"Fans are going to love this special look at the legacy of Power Rangers through the eyes of some of our favorite artists," says Dafna Pleban, Editor, BOOM! Studios. "This is just the beginning of our Megazord-sized plans at BOOM! Studios to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Power Rangers, which includes big news for our monthly Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers series.”
Saban's Power Rangers Artist Tribute also features an Introduction written by iconic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers actor Paul Schrier (“Bulk”), an Afterword by Brian Casentini (Executive Producer, Power Rangers content), and a cover illustrated by Felipe Massafera (Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern).
Check out these other great Power Rangers products
available through Amazon!
Title : Saban's Go Go Power Rangers
Issue : 4 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 10/18/2017 Writer : Ryan Parrott Artist : Dan Mora Price : $3.99 Regular Cover : Dan Mora Civilian Intermix Cover : Miguel Mercado Locker Variant Cover : Michelle Wong Movie Homage Variant Cover : Natacha Bustos Paper Doll Variant Cover : Audrey Mok
"The Rangers go head-to-head with Rita’s monster, Flog, and finally start to settle into their roles as Earth’s protectors. But all the while, Rita is plotting a new attack that the Rangers will never see coming…because it involves Kim’s boyfriend, Matthew. " COVERSPREVIEW
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Stop by the Boom! Studios Booth # 1828 at New York ComicCon and pick up a Lord Drakkon & Black Dragon pin for $12.00 Each!
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This NYCC 2017 Exclusive is Limited to 250 copies!
Writers: Kyle Higgins, Steve Orlando, Mairghread Scott Artists: Hendry Prasetya, Thony Silas, Jonathan Lam, Daniel Bayliss, Corin Howell Cover artist: Goñi Montes Price: $200
This deluxe hardcover collects the first year of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics (#0-12) plus a host of extra material, packaged in a beautiful slipcase—perfect for collectors. At almost 500 pages, this book also contains a Foreword written by original Green Ranger Jason David Frank, a brand-new story by series writer Kyle Higgins and artist Daniel Bayliss, the complete “The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk & Skull” story, cover gallery, and never-before-seen character designs. Each Slipcase Edition contains an individually numbered tip-in sheet signed by writer Kyle Higgins. In addition, 25 random copies will include a second tip-in sheet signed by Saban Brands, the company behind Power Rangers, including Haim Saban (Creator of the Power Rangers franchise), Brian Casentini (Executive Producer, Power Rangers content), Melissa Flores (Director, Power Rangers Content) and Judd “Chip” Lynn (Executive Producer, Power Rangers television series).
Fans who purchase this book on Thursday, October 5
can get it signed for FREE by Walter Jones and David Yost from 6:00-6:50pm at the BOOM! Studios booth, #1828.
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue : 19 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : NYCC 2017 October 5th - October 8th Writer : Kyle Higgins Artist : Hendry Prasetya Pages : 32 Cover Art : Jamal Campbell Green Cover : $20.00 (Limited 300 Copies) Gold Cover : $50.00 (Limited 150 Copies)
These NYCC 17 Exclusive Covers are Available for Purchase at the
Boom! Studios Booth #1828 and are extremely limited! COVERS
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Year One Deluxe HC
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Release Date: 10/04/2017 Writers: Kyle Higgins, Steve Orlando, Mairghread Scott Artists: Hendry Prasetya, Thony Silas, Jonathan Lam, Daniel Bayliss, Corin Howell Cover Artist: Goñi Montes Pages: 500 Price: $75.00
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The Tokyo Vinyl TOUMA Edition Megazord will be available as a NYCC 2017 Exclusive available at the Bandai America Booth # 1628! This Vinyl figure stands at 8.5" Tall and sports a black and blue color scheme! Priced at $60.00, this item will be available daily in limited quantities.
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Today through Power Rangers Now! Bandai announced the Legacy Power Rangers Fighting Spirit set which will include Mighty Morphin Green, Mighty Morphin White & the Red Zeo Ranger! The 3 pack of Rangers come packaged in sleek black box with the Dino Thunder Black Ranger helmet displayed on the front. Some people have been asking why the package would show the Dino Thunder Black Ranger if he wasn't included and the unofficial answer which seems to be going around and makes the most sense to me is that this is the "Fighting Spirit" 3 pack and when Tommy was the (Spoiler Alert) Black Dino Thunder Ranger he had to fight his 3 former Ranger forms to survive.
Additionally these Rangers are done in a metallic paint allowing you to complete the Mighty Morphin metallic set that has been extremely hard to locate. This item is available at the Bandai America Booth #1628 in limited daily quantities and it priced at $80.00!
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue : 19 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 09/27/2017 Writer : Kyle Higgins Artist : Hendry Prasetya Price : $3.99 Pages : 32 Regular Cover : Jamal Campbell Connecting Incentive Variant : Steve Morris Incentive Variant : Dan Mora Action Figure Variant : Joshua McDonald
"Eager to maintain a relative peace from Rita Repulsa’s alien hordes and seek a new path to heroism, the Rangers look to Grace's organization, Promethea, for help." COVERSPREVIEW
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Title : Saban's Go Go Power Rangers
Issue : 3 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 09/20/2017 Writer : Ryan Parrott Artist : Dan Mora Price : $3.99 Regular Cover : Dan Mora Civilian Intermix Cover : Miguel Mercado Locker Variant Cover : Michelle Wong Movie Homage Variant Cover : Natacha Bustos Paper Doll Variant Cover : Audrey Mok
"In the wake of their win against the evil space witch, Rita Repulsa, the newly formed Power Rangers team test the limits of their new abilities when morphed. Meanwhile, Rita plots her revenge by uncovering the Rangers true identities." COVERSPREVIEW
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In addition to the 6" Black and Gold Dragonzord & the 6" Regular Dragonzord NYCC Exclusives, Funko has also announced a Glow in the Dark Green Ranger Pop Figure! This figure is ONLY available at the Funko Booth at NYCC 2017 which can only be access by winning a raffle that you can enter at www.newyorkcomiccon.com start at 2:00 PM on 9/14/17.
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Funko has finally announced the much anticipated 6" Dragonzord POP figure! This 6" Dragonzord is a New York ComicCon 2017 Exclusive to match the San Diego Comic-Con 2017 6" Megazord PoP Exclusive! This figure is ONLY available at the Funko Booth at NYCC 2017 which can only be access by winning a raffle that you can enter at www.newyorkcomiccon.com start at 2:00 PM on 9/14/17.
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Today via Instagram Jason David Frank announced that Toy Tokyo will have a Black & Gold Dragonzord Pop Exclusively at New York Comiccon! There is currently no office image except for what Jason had posted in his Instagram video but I was able to screen shot the image from there! Once a better image is available I will update this post.
According to Jason's post this figure will only be available at the Funko Pop booth in limited quantities. Also remember access to the Funko Booth is done via a Raffle starting at 2:00 PM EST tomorrow 9/14/17 through the official New York ComicCon website >>> www.newyorkcomiccon.com/
Entry into the raffle does not guarantee access to the Funko Booth and winning the raffle does not guarantee you access to the Funko Pop you are looking to get.
You can see Jason David Frank's original Instagram post below!
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Poster Book
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Release Date: 9/13/17 Writer: N/A Artists: Kelsey Beckett, Ricardo Bessa, George Caltsoudas, Jamal Campbell, Richard Chang, Mingjue Helen Chen, Janice Chu, Abigail L. Dela Cruz, Felipe Massafera, Goñi Montes, Dan Mora, Dustin Nguyen, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Joe Quinones, Nick Robles, Babs Tarr, Kevin Wada, Scott Wade, and Xermanico Cover Artist: Dan Mora Price: $19.99
"Featuring 20 removable posters of iconic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book artwork, this curated collection showcases the diverse talents of renowned and emerging illustrators alike. Perfect for framing, add a morphinominal touch to any room to turn it into your own personal Command Center with these large-format, high-quality posters." COVERPREVIEW
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The success of the Power Rangers Legacy Line from Bandai has brought us multiple items that we could have only dreamed of years ago, from Morphers to Zords to Weapons and to Cosplay style helmets! The success of the Legacy Line has been fantastic and with that success it was only a matter of time before Bandai and Saban Brands brought us the Legacy Red Ranger Movie Helmet! This is the second helmet in the series, the first being the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger helmet and it will be followed up by the Legacy Mighty Morphin Green Ranger helmet! Priced at $99.99 this highly detailed item is available in stores and online comes with a display stand and is a wearable cosplay item. Although it does not have the specific look you would get from a cosplay company that specializes in Power Ranger helmets and suits it also won't hurt your wallet as much either so comparing the 2 would not be appropriate, instead I have chosen to take it as it is and go from there.
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Adult Coloring Book
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: N/A Artists: Bachan, Daniel Bayliss, Ryan Browne, Jamal Campbell, Elsa Charretier, Jorge Corona, Benjamin Dewey, Sean “Cheeks” Galloway, Jason Ho, Corin Howell, Rebekah Isaacs, Joëlle Jones, Jonathan Lam, Denis Medri, Christopher Mitten, Takeshi Miyazawa, Robb Mommaerts, Goñi Montes, Tradd Moore, Philip Murphy, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Jefte Palo, Walter Pax, Missy Peña, Paul Pope, Hendry Prasetya, Khary Randolph, Paul Reinwand, David Rubín, Thony Silas, Cory Smith, Dominike “Domo” Stanton, Babs Tarr Cover Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo Price: $16.99
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Title : Saban's Go Go Power Rangers
Issue : 2 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 08/30/2017 Writer : Ryan Parrott Artist : Dan Mora Price : $3.99 Regular Cover : Dan Mora Civilian Intermix Cover : Miguel Mercado Locker Variant Cover : Michelle Wong Movie Homage Variant Cover : Natacha Bustos Paper Doll Variant Cover : Audrey Mok
"The team explores the added everyday benefits—and drawbacks—of being a teenager with Morphin powers, while Rita concocts a plan to uncover the Rangers’ true identities!" COVERSPREVIEW
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue : 18 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 08/23/2017 Writer : Kyle Higgins Artist : Hendry Prasetya Price : $3.99 Pages : 32 Regular Cover : Jamal Campbell Connecting Incentive Variant : Steve Morris Incentive Variant : Dan Mora Action Figure Variant : Haskell Mackowski
"As the dust settles from Rita’s global takeover, the government begins investigating the Power Rangers in an operation that will strike right to the very core of the team. " COVERSPREVIEW
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Designed directly from the Power Rangers Zeo series this Legacy Golden Power Staff is an actual size replica of the one used by the Gold Zeo Ranger! Featuring show accurate lights and sounds along with die cast metal parts this item is priced at $154.99 and you can pre-order it from Entertainment Earth!
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Pre-Order the Power Rangers Legacy Zeo Zeonizer Morpher from Entertainment Earth Today! Currently priced at $104.99 this morpher is the next in the series and will be a great addition to any collection! Featuring show accurate lights and sounds along with premium die-cast parts the Zeonizer is perfect for display or cosplay. Estimated Release Date February 2018!
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After months of speculation it is finally here! The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Green Ranger Cosplay Helmet is up for preorder at www.EntertainmentEarth.com! The listed price is currently $104.99 and it is expected to release in February 2018! PUNCH the link below to pre-order yours today!
This is the third full scale Legacy Line cosplay helmet to be produced by Bandai, the first helmet being the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger and the second being the Power Rangers Movie Red Ranger. Also included is a the display stand that is pictured with the Legacy Helmet below! This is a highly detailed replica and I am going to point out that they did not add the updated gold and silver trim that appeared in the Dino Thunder episode "Fighting Spirit".
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Title : Saban's Go Go Power Rangers
Issue : 1 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 07/26/2017 Writer : Ryan Parrott Artist : Dan Mora Price : $3.99 Regular Cover : Dan Mora Civilian Intermix Cover : Miguel Mercado Locker Variant Cover : Michelle Wong Homage Variant Cover : Natacha Bustos Acetate Variant Cover : Dan Mora Paper Doll Variant Cover : Audrey Mok Retailer “Thank You” Variant Cover : Marcus To FOC Cover : Julian Totino Tedesco
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October 2019