Transformers : Titans Return Power Master Optimus Prime is a Leader Class figure and comes with Head Master Apex. Power Master Optimus Prime is priced at $44.99 and can be found at all regular retailers as well as online. Optimus Prime can change from robot mode to a truck with a trailer to a city attachment for Fortress Maximus. The back of the package gives a brief overview of how Apex can assist Optimus Prime in battle, it reads :
"Optimus Prime will stamd against any threat. Autobot Apex helps him face the enemies that even the Autobot Commander cannot face alone. The Titan Master carries a portion of the spark & power of Optimus Prime, increasing the legendary warrior's already immense strength, speed & intelligence." Below you will find a complete review of Power Master Optimus Prime. Packaging
The packaging used for Power Master Optimus Prime is the standard Hasbro packaging we have seen from the previous lines. The front of the box has clear plastic that allows you to see the figure in robot mode, the back shows the transformation modes as well as a brief story and other available figures. As usual Hasbro goes overboard with the plastic ties to hold the figure in, Power Master Optimus has 10 of them!
Robot Mode
The Robot Mode for Power Master Optimus Prime is not bad, but its not great either. He is bulky which makes posing him harder than it needs to be & his trailer is actually part of him which gives him more of an Ultra Magnus feel and not really an Optimus Prime feel. He has some good details but not enough to make up for his limited movement.
Vehicle Mode
City Mode
As I mentioned early Power Master Optimus Prime has a City Mode which allows him to attach to Fortress Maximus' City Mode as well. This is pointless, it really does not look too great and again the instruction are unclear! The portion of the instructions where you need to move the legs of Optimus are really vague and I actually put the instructions to the side and figured out what they wanted me to do form looking at the picture on the back of the box.
Titan Master Apex
Comparison Pictures
I decided to compare Titans Return : Power Master Optimus Prime to Takara Master Piece Ultra Magnus (MP-22) since they are so similar in design. Power Master Optimus Prime is shorter than MP-22 Ultra Magnus but you can see how the designs are similar in the photos below. I also compared him to Combiner Wars Bruticus which is is also shorter than.
Final Thoughts
I really wanted to like Power Master Optimus Prime, but he made it too hard to do. The bad parts of this figure over power the good parts, if you really need an Optimus Prime figure then maybe pic him up and never transform him, other wise skip this figure entirely. Transformers : Titans Return - Power Master Optimus Prime & Apex gets 2 out of 5 PUNCHES.
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