Takara Masterpiece MPM - 4 Movie Optimus Prime, brings you the detail of the Takara Masterpiece figure with a lower price point and obnoxious Hasbro instructions. This figure will cost you $99.99 and has die-cast metal parts but comes with some issues. Keep reading to find out more!
The front of the packaging for MPM-4 is your average Takara packaging with the addition of "Hasbro" written in the corner. I was having some issues with my camera so these pictures did come out a bit washed out I apologize for that.
The back of the packaging shows us Optimus Prime in a cool battle pose that you will most likely never get him to pose it on your own. We also get to see some of his included accessories, he comes with the movie Matrix of Leadership in his chest (and yes it's removeable), he has a changeable face piece that takes about his mouth plate, 2 Energon Blades and his Blaster are also included. The back of the box is written in English since this is for Hasbro.
MPM-4 comes strapped into his plastic shell with rope ties and Hasbro's favorite plastic straps. He is easy to remove and already comes in Robot Mode. (I am guessing this is because nobody at Hasbro or Takara could figure out how to Transform him...I will touch on this later in the review)
This figure is really detailed, the design is near perfect and the articulation is great. That being said, it will make a great displace piece in Robot Mode and it's worth the cost if that is all you want to do with it.
GOOD LUCK! If you have ever purchased a Takara MP figure you know that the instructions are usually very clear pictures on a glossy paper with some writing in Japanese (which can be translated with Google Translate fairly easily if you get stuck). Hasbro inserted their typical paper instructions, this one being 43 steps of confusion with a gray image showing moving parts in red, not only do I always hate their instruction system on their cheaper figures, but it does not work on a complicated figure such as an MP at all! They didn't even bother adding words to help you along the way! The Transformation process is complicated and I actually had to give up about half way through it because I couldn't follow what needed to be done. Besides that stress, I barely moved part of his foot and snapped off a toe? I am guessing its a toe... I am going to have to fix it with some model glue. The frustration caused by these instructions are really ridiculous and could be avoided if Hasbro would just get on the same page as Takara and make more detailed instructions for their harder figures instead of using this cheap half assed system they are using now.
Overall satisfaction with Takara MPM-4 started out high, out of the box the figure looks amazing and is movie accurate. However once you start to manipulate the figure and Transform him into Vehicle Mode the satisfaction quickly fades into frustration because of Hasbro cheaping out on the instructions. The figure is fragile and can break easily which is also brings it down very quickly. If you are looking to just display this figure on a shelf and never Transform it, then it is definitely a good purchase for the price.
These are the reasons I am giving Takara MPM-4 Movie Optimus Prime...
2 out of 5 PUNCHES!
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Transformers : Titans Return Sergeant Kup & Flintlock is a deluxe class figure that will cost approximately $18.00 or more depending on the retailer.
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The Transformers : The Last Knight Optimus Prime voice changing helmet is brought to us by Hasbro and requires 3 AA batteries (Not Included), oh and it will cost you $79.99 + Tax. PACKAGINGThe packaging for the Optimus Prime voice changing helmet is designed very nicely, it grabs your eye on the shelf and shows the product as well as the features. Unfortunately it does not photograph well in my set-up so I apologize for the pictures not being the best. HELMETThe helmet itself is entire plastic and can fit an adult sized head with some adjustments. There are 3 buttons on the side 2 of them that have pre-set phrases and sounds and a 3rd that activates the voice changer. The voice changer is typical for this type of product, it sounds more like a distorted robot than Optimus Prime and it does not mask your voice very well when you speak. The phrase buttons have quick sayings from the movies but for some reason one of the buttons says a phrase and then plays the cartoon battle riff which I am pretty sure never has been in the live action movie. You can see videos of both of these functions below. FINAL THOUGHTS
The Transformers : The Last Knight Optimus Prime voice changing helmet is made with an accurate design and that is about all it has going for it. The price point of $79.99 is way to high for a kids toy and the lack of features make it also too high for a collectible. If this piece was off-set with metal parts and light up eyes then it most likely would have sold me completely. Throwing in some movie phrases and a battle riff from the cartoon just doesn't do it. If you enjoy collecting the heads of giant fighting robots then by all means pick up this $80 item, if not then I say skip it. The Transformers : The Last Knight Optimus Prime voice changing helmet gets.... 1 OUT OF 5 PUNCHES Interested in more Transformers News, Reviews & Merchandise? PUNCH the buttons below to access the Teletraan 1 Archives!
Takara MP - 34 Cheetor is the latest release for the Beast Wars line following Optimus Primal (MP - 32) & the second Maximal that has been made. It is important to note that we still have not seen any designs for the Predicon faction as of yet. Cheetor or Cheetus as it says on his packaging, is scaled to size based on the Beast Wars T.V. series making him an accurate height when standing next to Optimus Primal. This figure will cost you around $85.00 + Tax.
Takara MP - 33 Inferno is a new design from Takara but brings us another Autobot. The amount of autobots created are greatly outweighing the decepticons if you do not count the countless repaints of the jets. MP-33 Inferno costs $139.99 but comes with multple accessories and looks great.
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Titans Return : Highbrow and Xort seem to be harder to locate than most of the previous Titans Return wave. This is most likely because most stores are still filled with wave one and have no reason to order wave two until they can sell through previous stock. This is making it very difficult to find wave 2 of the Titans Return figures in stores. I actually found Highbrow at New York ComicCon this year but I have not had the chance to open him until today. From the packaging we learn that Xort gives Highbrow the ability to manipulate gravitational fields.PUNCH the "READ MORE" tag below to continue to the review!
Takara Masterpiece 32 - Optimus Primal is the first figure we have received from the Beast Wars series with Cheetor to follow early next year. Optimus Primal is priced at $102.00 on Amazon.com (with free standard shipping) & $119.99 on www.BigBadToyStore.com and shipping is not free. If you want to purchase MP-32 Optimus Primal PUNCH the Amazon link provided!
Below I will go into detail about the figure, from its packaging to how it is designed. PUNCH the "READ MORE" tag below to continue!
Titans Return : Chromedome is a Deluxe Class figure that can change from Car to Autobot. This figure is priced at $16.99 and is available at most toy retail stores. According to the packaging:
"Autobot Stylor gives Chromedome the power of Mnemosurgery : The ability to access and edit another bot's memories." I am going to start off by saying if you read the Transformers : More Than Meets The Eye comic that just finished up with issue #57 you know that Chromedome already has this ability and so do other Transformers. I am not too sure why they would have it so Stylor gives him the ability. If you haven't read More Than Meets The Eye the I suggest you order it! (I have put some Amazon links below.)
Titans Return Mindwipe & Vorath are Delux Class figures that cost $16.99. Mindwipe transforms from Decepticon to a bat, comes with 2 weapons which turn into his tail in Bat Mode and is available anywhere Transformers Titans Return figures are sold.
Character Bio : "The Decepticons unito with Titan Master partners to power up for battle! Vorath gives Mindwipe control over other bots' central processors, making them servants that do his bidding." To find out more about Mindwipe & Vorath continue below! ![]()
Titans Return Blaster is a triple changing Leader Class figure that comes with Titan Master Twin Cast and can change from Robot to Boombox to City. Leader Class figures are currently priced at $44.99 and this figure is not a retailer exclusive so you can basically pick him up anywhere Transformers figures are sold.
Character Bio: "To decode encrypted Decepticon transmissions, Autobot Blaster links with his Titan Master partner, Twin Cast. Twin Cast is a walking cipher-a bot with the most advanced cryptography programming in the universe. He may be small, but he's one of the most powerful Autobot weapons." To find out more about Titans Return Blaster & Twin Cast continue reading below! ![]()
Transformers : Titans Return Power Master Optimus Prime is a Leader Class figure and comes with Head Master Apex. Power Master Optimus Prime is priced at $44.99 and can be found at all regular retailers as well as online. Optimus Prime can change from robot mode to a truck with a trailer to a city attachment for Fortress Maximus. The back of the package gives a brief overview of how Apex can assist Optimus Prime in battle, it reads :
"Optimus Prime will stamd against any threat. Autobot Apex helps him face the enemies that even the Autobot Commander cannot face alone. The Titan Master carries a portion of the spark & power of Optimus Prime, increasing the legendary warrior's already immense strength, speed & intelligence." Below you will find a complete review of Power Master Optimus Prime. ![]()
Titans Return : Wheelie is a Legends Class figure that looks like a piece of candy corn when in vehicle mode, comes with no weapons and will cost you $9.99. If you remember the the original Transformers: The Movie from about 30 yrs ago then you will remember Wheelie as the annoying little Transformer that rhymes all the time and helps the Dinobots locate Kup and Hot Rod right before they are destroyed. Check out the full review of Titans Return : Wheelie by giving a PUNCH to the "Read More" break below!
![]() I decided to lump these three figures together and honestly it will most like be the only review I do on the Titan Master part of the Titans Returns set. These figures are extra heads and weapons for the Titans Returns line, they will cost you about $4.99 each depending on where you find them they come partially transformed and the instructions do not start from how they come out of the packaging so trying to figure out what in the name of Alpha Trion they want you to do! Check out the figures below. ![]()
Titans Return Fortress Maximus is a Titan Class figure. He stands roughly 2 feet tall and is a triple changer. He can change from robot to attack ship to a fortress, it would be weird if Fortress Maximus did not turn into a fortress wouldn't it? His head comes free and turns into Titan Master Cerebros and then the head of Cerebros comes off to change into Emissary. Titans Return Fortress Maximus does not come with any weapons but some third party companies have made a pretty nice sword for him. PUNCH the "Read More" break to continue.
Transformers Titan Wars Sentinel Prime is a Voyager Class figure and a Triple Changer. Sentinal Prime can change from Robot to Spaceship to Train and comes with Titan Master Infinitus. Infinitus gives Sentinel Prime the ability to slow down time so Sentinel Prime can attack the Decepticons with precision aim. To learn more about Titan Wars Sentinel Prime PUNCH the "Read More" break below!
Titans Return Galvatron is a Voyager Class figure and comes with Titan Master Nucleon, this figure is a triple changer as well. The back of the packaging has a brief story which states "The Decepticons unite with Titan Master partners to power up for battle! Nucleon gives Galvatron a universal systems upgrade with powerful but unstable results." Below I will break down Titans Return Galvatron and see if he can hold his own against Optimus Prime. PUNCH the "Read More" break to continue!
Takara Masterpiece Ratchet (MP-30) is a white version of MP-27 Ironhide except Ratchet comes with an emergency light on his roof and a few different accessories. The packaging is generic, on the front we have the Nissan logo Ratchet in robot and vehicle mode and the type of van that he is, a Nissan Cherry Vanette. On the back we get a view of the different accessories he is packaged with as well as a height comparison. If you have Mp-27 Ironhide then you will see right away that besides from the paint job and head sculpt they really aren't much different this is probably why Takara decided to produce MP-30 Ratchet so soon after MP-27 Ironhide. For further details on this figure PUNCH the "Read More" option below!
So I was finally able to get my hands on the 5th member of this Combiners Wars set, Sky Lynx. I was really looking forward to this set of figures mostly because we rarely get a decent Sky Lynx figure from Hasbro. I went into this set of figures very optimistic I could not wait to get it set up and see how they all looked but I was very surprised with what I found..... Click READ MORE to continue.
Takara Masterpiece Shockwave (MP-29) is the latest edition to the Masterpiece line from Takara and finally gives us another Decepticon that is not a jet! Shockwave or as his box is labeled "Destron Laserwave" comes packaged like all of the other Masterpiece Figures before him, typical black box with the image of the figure on the front and on the back it shows both robot and blaster modes as well as different poses and height comparisons to other MP Figures. MP-29 Shockwave is also priced right in line with other Masterpiece Figures with a price point of $159.99 from www.bigbadtoystore.com.
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December 2017