Today Transformers Combiner Wars : Prime Wars Trilogy Episode 4 released featuring Windblade. This is the final part the four part prelude that will show case the events of Cybertron prior to the Combiner Wars and lead up to the Combiner Wars series. This Episode is done in a different animation style which focuses on Windblade explaining what has driven her to what she has become. The official story for this episode is:
"Before the time of the Combiner Wars, Windblade was known as a ‘City Speaker’ on a faraway planet known as Caminus. Her job – use her unique telepathic talents to ‘speak’ with the sleeping ‘Titans’ of the Transformer’s universe. But when war struck, she watched helplessly as the unruly Combiners wreaked havoc across her home world. Many died… So, she vowed to take the fight into her own hands. With her swift energy blade and mighty wind turbine powers, Windblade has entered a blood-thirsty hunt-and-destroy mission to kill all of the Combiners! And this is no empty threat. She’s got the skills to get the job done! Can anyone stand in her way?" The prelude series Prime Wars Trilogy will only be available for streaming from the Go90 app available for download for Apple & Android. PUNCH the button below to check it out!
Today Transformers Combiner Wars : Prime Wars Trilogy Espiode 3 released featuring Starscream. This is part 3 of a 4 part prelude that will show case the events of Cybertron prior to the Combiner Wars and lead up to the Combiner Wars series. This Episode is done in a different animation style which focuses on Starscream explaining how he has changed, kind of. The official story for this episode is: "Starscream was once one of the greatest Decepticons of the Transformer's universe. But times have changed and so has he. Along with his former enemy, Rodimus Prime and the noble Mistress of Flame from Planet Caminus, he is now part of a Council burdened with the leadership of Cybertron! Has responsibility birthed a new hero?" The prelude series Prime Wars Trilogy will only be available for streaming from the Go90 app available for download for Apple & Android. PUNCH the button below to check it out! Interested in more Transformers News & Reviews?
PUNCH the buttons below to access the Teletraan 1 archives! Today Transformers Combiner Wars : Prime Wars Trilogy Espiode 2 released featuring Victorion. This is part 2 of a 4 part prelude that will show case the events of Cybertron prior to the Combiner Wars and lead up to the Combiner Wars series. This Episode is done in a different animation style which basically focuses on Victorion's voice explaining her place in the universe. The official story for this episode is: "The noble Combiner, Victorion is the Transformers' first female Combiner! Her birth is from the mysterious 'Enigma of Combination' which makes her believe that she was created for a higher purpose. Could she be the one to bring peace to the Combiner Wars? Could she save the Galaxy from destruction and chaos?" The prelude series Prime Wars Trilogy will only be available for streaming from the Go90 app available for download for Apple & Android. PUNCH the button below to check it out! Interested in more Transformers News & Reviews?
PUNCH the buttons below to access the Teletraan 1 archives! Today the Transformers Facebook page revealed the Transformers Combiner Wars : Prime Wars Trilogy. This will be a 4 part prelude will show case the events of Cybertron prior to the Combiner Wars and lead up to the Combiner Wars series. The prelude is done in a motion graphic animation similar to a comic book which gives it a nice touch, additional episodes will be done in different art styles and each focusing on a different character. The prelude series Prime Wars Trilogy will only be available for streaming from the Go90 app available for download for Apple & Android. PUNCH the button below to check it out! Interested in more Transformers News & Reviews?
February 2018