"Time anomaly 2 hours 59 minutes." The alarm went off back at the time ship where we left our rangers. Alpha tells them that there’s going to be a time jump probably the Alliance, however with their ship damaged they can’t really do anything. They immediate try to assess and fix what they can on board. Marv and Eddie stay at central control trying to piece together wires, while Jack runs a weapons analysis in case they are found. Chloe and Vesper head to the engine room only to see that parts of it has literally melted beyond repair with what they have in 1994. While there they have a girl moment, where Chloe opens up about being nervous. Vesper replies with it's okay we have each other, “the team is our family.” While talking Vesper comes up with an idea to turn her small gadget into a messaging device in hopes of getting into contact with Jen for help. Else where on the ship Marv and Eddie are reconnecting exposed wiring and talking maybe they can use their ranger energy to power the ship. (Interesting thought - the morphin grid?) Somehow the convo moves a bit into Eddie having a “crush” on Vesper. (Totally ship by the way.) Just then an in coming message appears and its Zordon! (I will always love seeing him.) The rangers gather around as Zordon asks for their help. Since the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are off planet Lord Zedd sent down a Samurai Shibarai to attack people in Angel Grove park. It’s a dual bladed fox/dog hybrid with horns dressed as a samurai. The rangers knowing what they must do head to the park, however Eddie and Vesper stay behind to get the messaging device to work.
Alpha teleports the others to the park to deal with the monster. Chloe and Marv immediately start helping civilians to safety. While Jack then tries to distract the Shibarai. Coming back first, Marv goes in for the attack. However, misses and slightly gets cut by the Shibarai’s swords. Jack starts doing cartwheels and kicks him in the chest giving Marv space to recover. Chloe returns just in time and morphs, using her hurricane whirlwind to attack the foe. The Shibarai moves out of the way and attacks her but Marv tackles and slams him down.
We cut back to Eddie and Vesper playing around with the gadget in hopes of getting a message to 3016. Also Eddie brings up Vesper saying that they were “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”, when they were back at the library talking to Scorpina. (Reference, episode 3) It got kinda awkward which was pretty funny.
Another cut away, but this time we are at Lord Zedd’s moon base. We see his iconic chair moving around revealing Lord Zedd! (Badass!) As he stands the snake next to him turns into his staff (Just like on T.V.) He looking down to Earth to see new rangers!? He sends Shibarai help in the form of “Z” putties!
Back at the fight, Jack morphs and head butts the Shibarai sending him flying back. Marv and Chloe quickly fight off the “Z" putties (Great dice rolling.) We also get to see Chloe’s bow as she uses it to shoots down some putties. Marv morphs and grabs the last putty hurling him into the Shibarai. With him distracted Jack and Chloe use their weapons and actually blind it!
Cut away scene again, this time we are at the Alliance’s ship with Scorpina and Vulcanus watching the battle. She says, “We should go down there and finish them off.” But from out of the shadows, the Alliance Leader steps out and replies, “Don’t forget our mission is more important than these cadets.”…(Doesn't feel like they are rangers I guess.)
Back at the park, Marv and Chloe go for their signature combo move once again, Marv jumping into her hurricane and he spins with his lion claws he cut through the Shibarai defeating him. Zedd sees this and shoots down a lightning bolt where the Shibarai was last standing and he grows! (Big trouble.) He’s blind and violently picking up and throwing trees into the air. Probably worse then if it did have sight.
Eddie and Vesper are stuck and need to help their friends. In a desperate attempt, Eddie takes out his “ranger buds” wretch and just hits it. (The good old fashion way.) It works! (lmao) Vesper quickly records and send a message to Jen in 3016 telling her that the time ship is broken and they need help. Alpha is the background going, “Oh I hope it goes through.” Just he finishes that thought a message pops up from a former student, Abigail (possible future 6th ranger maybe???), who said “We got your message weeks ago and have been working hard to get something to you. Pay load inbound. A circular portal opens in the sky at angel grove park, a time portal, and these giant machines come out - their zords! The first one through is Vesper’s cerberus, a three head attack dog. Next, Marv’s brave and mighty lion. Chloe’s phoenix flies graceful over head followed by Eddie’s serpent, with a drill tail. Lastly, Jack’s ram tank hybrid filled with weapons. (Awesome!!!) The rangers feel a surge of power flowing through them and a deep connection to their zords. Together the enter.
The Shibarai senses the zords but can’t really see them. He using his sense of smell and hearing to find the closest one to attack, the serpent. The grabs the serpent and shakes poor Eddie around. Marv uses his lion's "claw pounce" from behind while Jack’s ram aims his turrets and fires 4 missiles into Shibarai’s chest. Vesper then grabs hold of him using her cerberus’s heads until he released Eddie. Chloe’s phoenix grabs Eddie’s serpent and drops him on Shibarai so he use his tail drill attack. Lastly, to “show off” their zords is Chloe, who uses "phoenix feathers” spiraling dive. The wings open up and reveal blades cutting into him. It is Vesper that deals the final blow with her mace tail destroying him once and for all.
Just then over the park the Alliance leader’s ship unveils itself. It seems that dark energy is circling around the ship as they are preparing to time jump. Vesper shouts, “We need to fix our ship if we are going to be able to follow them.” They head back to their time ship and dock the zords on it. (Pretty cool, I wish we could see.) Their seats move backwards into the ship. (Reminds me of some early megazords, maybe from Turbo?) They try to patch things up that they got from their care package from Abigail and the others in 3016. The final shot of energy comes from their zords and just in time was time anomaly clock counts down and both their ship and the Alliance’s time jump at the same time!!!
In the time stream, a place in between time and space, they are right behind the Alliance’s ship. A blast comes from behind the Alliance’s ship. Seeing this the rangers try to activate the shields but not in time..(See what I did there.) and get hit by the blast. Alpha shouts, “We landed in a time, outside of time, a time thats not our own." (What!?) As he says this is seems that theres almost a virus of some sort spreading through the time ship shutting down and short circuiting Alpha badly. They rangers using power from the zords are able to stop it but they need to get help for Alpha. They have an emergency landing a crash into a warehouse. (Definitely a rough landing for sure.) Vesper and Eddie try to exit the ship to see where they are but before they make it to the door, theres a knock. (?) It’s someone named “M”. Eddie opens the door to reveal a female figure with a caravan of people behind her, 20-30 people traveling somewhere. They ask where everyone is going and she replies with Corinth! (Fangirling, Power Rangers RPM.) Eddie is able to put an alarm and cloak the ship as we learn more. The people’s homes were destroyed, and M says something to the effect of, “The tech in this world is falling apart.” Chloe pitches in, “We should get these people to Corinth." Walking in line with the people they follow them to a city in the distance outside the warehouse. As the scene fades we see a bit more outside the warehouse, its mostly desert...
This was definitely an exciting episode. The rangers finally got out of Angel Grove and landed in Corinth, so awesome. Theres so many things that can happen there. Really hope theres a cameo in the coming weeks maybe from a villain this time around like Tenaya 7. She was a badass. Also, our rangers have zords now!!! They look awesome can’t wait to see their megazord. The designs seem pretty solid. Right now, I feel my favorite is Vesper’s Cerberus because not only the three heads which is pretty unique but also the mace tail. The one I think could have been a bit more is Jack’s Ram, even though I know what route they were taking a ram/tank is pretty great don’t get me wrong but we’ll see. Malika was morphinominal. This show can’t happen without her. I thank her so much for all her hard work that goes into it. Can’t wait to we what she has in store for the rangers next episode. A lot can happen between their ship and Corinth. As for the rangers, they have great chemistry with each other and seem to have really put it together. Being that we are 5 episodes in now, I have to say they have truly come a long way, mentally and "time wise" lol They are truly power rangers.
Author: ChronokinesisToy Collector and Power Rangers fan.
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We left the Rangers at the library helping out the civilians, but then they teleport back to the time ship as Alpha says they have a message. (Who could it be?) As they gather around the center of the ship, there’s a hologram that pops up. Zordon! (Omg!) Eddie freaks out knowing who it is and Jack goes "That's Zordon!" Zordon introduces himself as an interdimensional being caught in a time warp. He states that he was aware of their presence since they got to Angel Grove on halloween and originally hesitated to intervene because it's dangerous to interact with people from the future, dangerous to know what will happen to humankind. However, he does recognize that they need help so he teleports Aisha Campbell, the Mighty Morphin yellow ranger to help them! (Great to see Karan Ashley reprise her role as Aisha again.) Jack goes, “We have read about you in our history books and I am honored.” Alpha 55 gets over excited and spills out a little bit of information saying they are from the year 3016. However, getting back to task at hand, they focus on trying to find out where Rita’s magic clay is. They figured if they can find the book Scorpina was reading they can track her energy reading. So, Vesper and Chloe teleport back to the library to find the book. The place though is covered with cops but Chloe flirts with one of the cops as Vesper crawls her way in. (This was hilarious how she acted it out.) Vesper is able to find the book and they get out without causing any major trouble. Alpha begins scanning the book of the energy reading as the team waits patiently.
While waiting, they are talking to Aisha, with Eddie fangirling the most. She comes up with the idea of training after they tell her about their encounter with Scorpina. Aisha says to defeat her you guys will have to work as a team. Alpha suggests the Pocket Dimension, and she is absolutely shocked that they have this training area. They let her pick the place and monster, so naturally she places the setting to Angel Grove park. For the monsters she tosses in some Z putties and Pudgy Pig! (Personally, one of my favorite MMPR villains ever. Also, this passed NYCC, I was able to get his figure.) They all shout, “It’s Morphin’ Time!” Training time starts and they all do teamwork moves. Marv and Chloe try out their fire hurricane again. She makes a hurricane while Marv jumps into its eye and spins going through a putty. (Awesome move, wish that we could actually see in person.) Vesper and Eddie work together as well to attack the putties. Lastly, Aisha and Jack team up in a move Jack names, “Double yella fella”. (Paul is hilarious.) As they continue to fight Pudgy Pig, Marv checks in with Alpha to see if the scans are complete. Alpha, said he has a location somewhere on Earth. The Rangers put their training on hold and see the location, Italy, Rome, home to some greatest works of art ever. (If Finster was going to be on Earth with the clay, I couldn’t have picked a better place for him.) They tell Alpha to teleport them there, he however tells them that the teleportation controls were damaged during the attack and that he couldn’t teleport them that far. Quickly thinking Aisha calls on her Sabertooth Griffin thunderzord to get them to Rome. Apparently they all fit, some extra space in the Zord we never got to see on the show. Vesper takes notes on the Zord’s structure thinking that maybe she can build zords for the team. While investigating with Chloe they find Ranger energy that literally is flowing through it. While the girls are doing this, Marv asks Aisha how she got her powers and questions the Morphin Grid. (It’s been awhile since that was mentioned on the show right?) Within a few short minutes the Zord is able to get them to Rome.
Once in Rome, they locate the source of energy underground, specifically under the colosseum! (This is pretty cool since it is one of my top places to visit is Italy, maybe one day.) Marv and Jack pretend to be cops to stop the tourists from entering the catacombs. (Both in pretty funny accents.) The tour guide agrees to help them and even gives them a map to navigate. Chloe leads the group stealthy peaking around corners until she finds one with putties and a dog-like creature. (Finster!) Marv and Vesper are right behind her holding weapons ready for action. However, the others think that Finster isn’t really a fighter so maybe instead of fighting they can just reason with him. They turn the corner unmorphed and try to peaceful chat with him. Eddie leads the convo beginning to praise him and his artistic abilities. Feeding into his ego more and more, he loves it goes along with it chatting about art. He says he serves Rita and doesn’t like Zedd because he doesn’t appreciates his artwork like she does. He then turns to Marv and asks him what his great fear is. Reluctantly Marv tell him “I don’t want to let people down.” Finster smiles and creates a putty with a mouth, a bully putty, which points at Marv and says he’s a failure. Chloe steps in and says he hasn’t let anyone down and shields him. (Aww, relationship goals lmao) They then follow Finster up stairs, little more above ground, as he continues talking about sculptures they are passing by. Just then Scorpina and Vulcanus show up for the clay. Vulcanus animates the sculptures the Rangers were just looking at, but they seem a bit fragile. The rangers morph and get ready for a fight. Marv, Chloe, Jack, and Vesper take out the bully putty and then the animated sculptures turning them into piles of stone. Aisha goes after Scorpina while Eddie deals with Vulcanus. Eddie launches himself into the air with his trident, however, Vulcanus side steps away and grabs Finster’s bag with the clay. Finster not being much of a fighter runs when Vulcanus takes a small piece of clay and simply flicks it onto the floor. The clay moves around and forms itself pretty much into a duel wielding gladiator. Marv and Chloe run to get the tourists out of the Colosseum and the surrounding area, while Vulcanus raises his hand to the sky and shouts, “My leader it's time!” From the sky a lightning bolt comes down and hits the gladiator making him grow. (awesome!) Aisha calls her zord in hopes that it will be enough to defeat him. She and Jack from the Sabertooth Griffin thunderzord fire fireballs at him but it doesn’t seem to do much. Back on the ground Scorpina and Vulcanus talk saying they got what they came for and teleport away, leaving the gladiator to finish off the Rangers. The rest of the Rangers head into the Zord and using their powers together focuses a strong enough blast, that Eddie is able to split into 2 with his trident to finish off the gladiator. After being hit twice, he starts to fall apart. People begin to clapping shouting “Go Go Power Rangers!”
Alpha calls them back as Zordon has another message. When they get back to the time ship, Zordon tells them they did a good job, although they did do some damage to the colosseum. Next, he thanks Aisha and tells her that she can’t mention this to her team ever. (The whole problem of knowing to much.) The Rangers thank her for all her help in an emotional goodbye, especially from Jack. As Jack shakes her hand, Zordon teleports Aisha back to her team.
This was definitely a great episode with many familiar faces from MMPR. Firstly, seeing another former Ranger actor, Karen Ashley come back to take up her role of Aisha Campbell was amazing. Not counting Peter because he is playing a different Ranger, she’s the second Ranger to make a guest appearance on the show. She seemed so thrilled to be there and having so much fun. You could see that her and Paul, are still close friends throughout the whole episode. Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger. Malika was amazing as usual in bringing everything to life. I love how she portrayed Finster and Pudgy Pig both monsters I love on the original show. Also, making a new putty lol, the bully putty was very creative. Her creativity and passion shines throughout every episode. To the Rangers, when they were training against Pudgy Pig I really wanted them to finish him off with spicy burritos, a running thing on the show, I slightly touch upon in a previous review is that Chloe loves food and in every episode she is always making burritos on the time ship. I feel that was a missed opportunity. Also when she came to Marv’s defense against the bully putty, I found it cute, really ship them lol. I also have high hopes that Vesper and Eddie will be able to make the team Zords within the next two episode at most, just my thought on it. I can’t wait for us to see pictures, and imagine if they have a clip of the forming of the Megazord for the show, that would be awesome if Saban was able to put something together for them. *Fingers crossed* As always I love watching and can’t wait for the next episode.
Author: ChronokinesisToy Collector and Power Rangers fan.
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Title : Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Issue : 21 Publisher : Boom! Studios Release Date : 11/22/2017 Writer : Kyle Higgins Artist : Jonas Scharf Price : $3.99 Pages : 32 Regular Cover : Jamal Campbell Connecting Cover : Steve Morris Versus Cover : Dan Mora Morpher Cover : Miguel Mercado Action Figure Variant : Quest
"The secret history of the true original Power Rangers divides the Mighty Morphin team, and only Zordon can save them!" COVERSPREVIEW
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We are back for the third installment of Power Rangers HyperForce! *Start off with grim music in the background* We left the rangers last week in a rather dire situation. They are trying their best to focus as they are under attack. The ship is shaking, warning lights are flashing, and sparks flying all over the place. After another blast, Alpha 55 says that they are using emergency power. The shields are barely holding… Then of course there's Jack clinging to life. Vesper finds a defibrillator just as he is flatlining and tries to restart his heart. The jolt of electricity is just what he needed as her begins to stabilize. Alpha stays to help Jack while the others head to the battle stations throughout the ship. There are three seats at central command and two more, on either side of the ship. They are searching of the Alliance’s time ship, thinking that's where the attacks are coming from, however, they see it’s the Alliance leader on the ground shooting energy from his hands. Apparently, he was able to track them following their Ranger energy? (Running theory, like how he was able to find the time force rangers in 3016.) Unfortunately, the ship's weapons were designed only to attack other ships, so it's not helpful. They brainstorm what they can do though most ideas are shut down since the ship is really taking a beating. Jack comes to and asks Alpha, what's happening. He gets up slowly and morphs, thinking of other weapons in the ship. He tells the other Rangers to meet him by the hatch, he’s got an idea. When they get there he is holding the Vector Weapons. (Those giant blasters from Time Force.) They combine to form the Vortex Blaster and aim it at the Alliance leader through the hatch, just as he himself is preparing a really powerful blast towards the back of the ship. (The rangers being above him on the ship get a good look at him. He is about 7 feet tall with broad shoulders, possibly shoulder armor, a cloak and hood covering most of him, however they can see his arms that are covered in bandages hiding his bleeding flesh.) They both fire at the same time! The leader’s blast hits the back of the ship as he was aiming for the engine. The Ranger's Vortex Blaster on the other hand hits him and he stumbles clutching his side. He looks up at them and says, “If you interfere again, you will die.” and teleports away. With him gone for now, our Rangers run into the next major problem. Vesper and Chloe head to the engine room, or well what's left of it and see that it has been pretty much all destroyed, including the Time Drive, which allows them to time travel. (At this point I was thinking, they could call Billy.) At least the cloaking ability on the ship is still working, it might be awhile before they could get it up and running again. Lastly, Alpha says that he did a reading of Jack’s body after the blasts he took from the Alliance leader and found mysterious energy residue on him but it seemed to have faded away after the defibrillator. (Maybe this was how the Alliance leader uses his energy to brainwash others???)
There’s a time lapse of a few days since, they are pretty much stranded and waiting for the Alliance leader to make his next move.
Eddie and Vesper are working on the engine room, seeing what is salvageable in order to fix it as soon as possible. Eddie is drawing up new plans and with him being a history geek, trying to figure out what they can use from 90s technology even though they find 90s tech to be very primitive. Marv and Chloe get closer as they practice their combat skills in the Pocket Dimension (A training area similar to the one the MMPR uses in Boom! Studios comics!) They make a pretty good team especially with Marv’s fire attacks and Chloe’s wind attacks, combined to make a fire tornado! (I still 100% ship them. They feed off of each other's energy really well. We better get a kiss scene by the end of the series.) Another scene takes place a little later Chloe and Eddie are playing around with their Insta-Kitchen 3000 making all sorts of burritos (Like Chloe’s pancake burrito.) But are interrupted by Vesper, who has a present for Eddie. They go into the common area away from Chloe, and Vesper hands the present to Eddie. She said that they’ve gotten to know each other move over the last few days and she’s really grateful to have a close friend. The present is a wrench with the words “Ranger Buds” painted on it. (The beginning of a ship?) They come back to the kitchen where Marv and Chloe have broken the Insta-Kitchen 3000 and food is flying around. Jack gets brooms and everyone is cleaning and playing around. Chloe and Eddie talk and she seems to have hinted that she likes Marv. (Yay lol) Jack being older and more focused I’ll say, is in his room with a white board and he is making a timeline of everything that has happened and trying to figure out what the Alliance wants in this time period. Just then the alarm sounds. Alpha gathers the rangers and says that there has been a time anomaly and that someone is missing from the timeline. When trying to figure out who, he discovers its Scorpina! (Awesome!) Jack and Eddie know of her as a ruthless villain that works for Rita Replusa. Alpha is then able to track down her last known location, the Angel Grove library. Before they go, Vesper and Eddie have a surprise for the team. They designed weapons for everyone! The funny part to this was that Vesper said they made them from random parts and the metal on Alpha’s ankles. (Lmao) Eddie has a trident and blades, Jack has a battle hammer that turns into a cannon, Vesper has an axe with 3 blades that turns into a shield, Marv has claws that turn into a fire shooting blaster and Chloe has a Hyperion Scythe and a Hyperion Bow. (She’s the only one that actually read the name of her weapons on the cards, maybe the others will later on.)
Our Rangers then teleport to Angel Grove library, where Marv spots a girl that looks like Scorpina. Him and Eddie approach her and start awkwardly talking to her. She says her name is Sabrina and clearly is annoyed at them, more so towards Marv then Eddie. In fact it seems that Eddie is almost like a spell. Scorpina using her charms. Vesper goes up them to “pretend" to be Eddie’s jealous girlfriend which actually snaps him out of it. He looks at her and remembers her present to him. Just then Sabrina leans back and all the windows turn black. (In my head I’m screaming “It’s a trap!”) The double doors of the library fling open with a gust of wind and a humanoid creature stands by the door. Scorpina gets up to talk with him. This humanoid figure is wearing an apron and wielding a hammer. It also seems to be made of volcanic rock. The rangers try to evacuate the building so that they can Morph. Eddie gets closer to try to listen in on the convo. The name of this monster is Vulcanus. (spelling is a hit or miss thing lol but clearly related to Vulcan a Roman god of fire and metalwork to keep it simple.) He wants Scorpina to steal Finster’s putty. Before the rangers can fully act she teleports away. Marv, again acting first not thinking it fully out Morphs and tries to attack Vulcanus. Vulcanus places his hand on the floor and energy seems to be gathering. Books fly in-between the two and form book monsters. Same thing happen to the furniture of the library. (I pictured something like the putties from the movie, not fully symmetrical and random items implanted/sticking out in them.) Using their new weapons and (pretty good dice rolling) they are able to defeat them with ease. Vulcanus is slowing leaving as the rangers are fighting, Chloe tries to shoot him with her bow but misses as he too teleports away. With no threat left at the library the rangers teleport back and begin to brainstorm, thinking if the Alliance leader is making allies maybe they should too, but the MMPR rangers are currently off planet. (Edenoi or maybe Phaedos) The last scene, the rangers head back to the library as civilians to help clean up. Marv and Eddie talk and it is revealed that Marv was a Time Force Officer before and his partner was Jack but there’s a secret that got him kicked off the force, but they agreed if he did community service and the academy again he can be an officer again. Wondering what that secret is now...
The overall tone to this episode was pretty light compared to last week. Once Jack was stable it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, like okay they aren’t gonna kill him or at least not yet. It’s not the show, so anything can happen. The cast were full of jokes and wisecracks, had me smiling and laughing throughout the whole thing. Some moments that I found pretty funny were when they got a good look at the Alliance leader and Jack said, “Man, this guy needs a doctor more than I do.” Or after seeing the engine, Vesper was like, “Oh, we could use body parts from Alpha to try to repair it.” And the training simulation Marv and Chloe made. Chloe added rainbows and marshmallow clouds, that was hilarious. I see relationships growing with the younger Rangers, we need a kiss scene. There’s no negotiating about it, it has to be done. As for continuing with the story, love that we are using Scorpina. She is a great character that should have been used more in MMPR. As for the Mighty Morphin Rangers being off world, I feel like that was a pretty good choice because it allows us to focus more on the HyperForce team. But I’m still up for a team up, unless it really messes with the timeline. And let's not forget about our GM. I Feel like I focus a lot on the Rangers but Malik of course is an integral part of the show. I have so many praises for her, she’s absolutely amazing in bringing this world into my imagination. I feel like I’m actually watching an episode of Power Rangers. She plays all the other characters and each one having a different demeanor or expression. She quickly goes into it and just has a blast the entire time. Love her. Last points I want to touch on: love the roman influence name for the monster well played. As, someone who has read about Greek and Roman myths, it's fun and there’s so many possibilities that can happen. Also, I wanna know what the Alliance is up to, I know the putties is for monsters but I have a feeling there’s something more than meets the eye here. *Crosses fingers* hopefully the Alliance tries to use Serpentera next week lol. Last thing comment below what you think Marv’s secret is??? Will it hurt the team once it’s revealed???
Author: ChronkinesisToy Collector and Power Rangers fan.
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Power Rangers HyperForce starts off this time pretty much where we left off. They are aboard their time ship exploring it because they have never seen one so advanced before. Later on we learn that it is a proto-type, a 2.0 of the standard time ship. While searching for stuff, the rangers find the beds, food area, med bay, etc. Also, Chloe by accident presses a “don’t press" button which in turns unlocks a compartment which has their new weapon, the Hyper blade blaster! A combination of the chrono blaster and chrono sword. However, they soon realize they aren’t moving. With the help of Alpha 55, Vesper starts up the ship to time travel, while Alpha inputs the location. They “Hyper Jump” to Angel Grove Oct 31, 1994. (You can start nerding out now.)
They figure the best course of action would be to blend in with the locals, trying to find a disturbance. Alpha is able to get them street clothes matching the time period. However, we soon find out they have no idea what Halloween is. I guess they don’t have that in 3016. Eddie and Jack know very little but try their best to explain it to the rest of the team. As they are teleported outside the ship, they notice children trick-or-treating. Marv gets scared as one of the kids is dressed as a demon. He then says something to the effect of “So…the kid defeated a demon and decided to wear his skin!?” Eddie not sure what to say replies “yea that could be it.” They watch the kids and Chloe decides they should go trick-or-treating too. She falls in love with candy corn. Marv then says that they should focus on their mission and continue searching for the Alliance. They end up at every teenagers favorite place to hang out Ernie’s Juice Bar!!! (the nostalgia.) They all split up to chat with the locals. Eddie goes to Ernie and gets a pineapple peach smoothie. Vesper, shows off her agility on the balance beam, bringing attention to herself and the others. Rocky, (yes it’s who you think it is.) asks them where they are from. Jack says "Stone Canyon". (sounds a bit familiar right?) Rocky then replies “I’m from there too, what area?” Marv thinking quick goes, “Oh what he meant to say was Summer Cove." (Haha, Ninja Steel.) Satisfied with their answer he turns back to Vesper and starts hitting on her! (Doesn’t go anywhere though.) Jack wanders off and spots on the news (remember that small television Ernie had by the counter?) that there was a strange hovering ship at Angel Grove’s park. He immediately recognizes it as the time ship the leader of the Alliance stole. He quickly gathers the team and they head off to face the threat.
Our rangers head to park and see a time ship hovering. As they approach thinking of a way to get in, they notice people being chased by people dressed in gray. Jack says those aren’t people those are monsters from the time period. (Yes! Putties!!!) The rangers rush into action helping people and begin fighting the putties. The dice were not on their side for a while lol. It did take them some time but they were able to destroy all the putties. Just as the last of them disappeared the time ship’s door opened and the monster of the week is revealed! Its a giant piece of evil candy corn! It greets the rangers saying its name is Candy Cornicus and wants to destroy them all for its leader. (You think it knows Pumpkin Rapper?) Not taking any chances the rangers shout IT’S MORPHIN TIME!!! The morphing call goes “HyperForce! “color” Ready! Power Up! They fight bravely using everything they got including awesomely named moves such as “Serpent Strike” and “Ram Rage Berserker”. They defeat Candy Cornicus but the Alliance leader comes out of the ship and their victory is short lived. The Alliance leader recognizes them as Time Force cadets and mocks them saying that they aren’t real rangers. He then opens fire on Jack twice severely injuring him. Seeing that they are no match for him, Marv gets Alpha to teleport them out before more damage can be done. Back on the ship Marv and Eddie get Jack to the med bay (reminds me of the med bay they had on the Astro Megaship in PRiS.) Jack’s vitals are pretty low and they are freaking out trying to stabilize him. But then the ship starts rattling and loses power. The Alliance apparently found the ship and is now attacking. The last moment in the episode Jack’s heart monitor flat lines…
It was definitely an interesting episode this week. Especially the ending with a cliffhanger as serious as this. Would they really kill off a ranger? Also, if so, so early in the season? It has only really been done once in Lost Galaxy. It also reminds me of boom comics as they push the boundaries of what Power Rangers can do. Allowing Power Rangers to grow in multiple fields, allows them to explore a darker part of the ranger universe. I guess these questions will be answered next week so tune in. As for the rest of the episode it played out really well. Malik Lim, our GM is amazing, she gets fully involved in every aspect of the game. I really liked her villain of the week, Candy Cornicus. Great cheesy like villain that we would see in an actual episode of MMPR. She also introduced a new element that is from actual rpgs, called “popcorn initiative” where players take turns during a battle and pick who goes next. Her passion for Power Rangers does not go unnoticed. Another major thing that happened this episode was the Rangers finally morphed! Boy did I love the morphing sequence. I'm sure the cast was so hyped in recording that. Plus, the MMPR music in the background was great just wish we were able to get more Ron Wasserman music like “Fight” or "We Need A Hero”. Another point I wanna bring up was the Rangers special moves, greatly named by Peter. Malika says during the episode, "It’s like Peter came up with them or something”. I gotta say they are great. Some examples are: Eye of the Phoenix, Cerberus Maul, Python Ambush, Lunging Strike, and Ram Rage Berserker. As the episode progressed we got to know more about the rangers. Chloe is my favorite with her funny personality and charm. Plus, I love candy too. She’s absolutely hilarious. Marv showed bravery in the face of danger, taking a big hit for his team against Candy Cornicus during the fight. Though he is still quick to act, I feel that he is learning patience is a virtue. For Vesper, I have a theory that she might be an android by the tone of language and how she says certain things. It wouldn’t be the first time an android has been a ranger. Just a theory might be too soon to call. Eddie as we established is a smart guy but he’s also a reliable guy as he was helping everyone throughout the battle. Really hope Jack makes it through...
Author: ChronokinesisToy Collector and Power Rangers fan.
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October 2019