The Power Rangers : Ninja Steel Ninja Star Blade is priced at $34.99, has lights & Sound functions, an extending blade and comes with 1 Ninja Battle Star. This price point seems a bit high for something that does so little and lacks a lot of details. PUNCH the "Read More" break below to see what you think!
The Power Ranger Ninja Steel Ninja Star packs have started to hit retailers right before the 2016 holiday season and you can pick up the 1st wave of 6 packs containing Legendary Rangers, Legendary Teams of Rangers, Ninja Steel Rangers, Power Up Stars & Zord Stars.
PUNCH the "READ MORE" break to continue! The Power Rangers Ninja Steel : DX Ninja Battle Morpher is showing up in stores right before the holidays and will certainly be a hot sell with Ninja Steel starting in 2017. This item is priced at $29.99 and comes with 2 Ninja Stars, one for the Red Rangers and the other for the Yellow Ranger. Want to learn more about the Ninja Battle Morpher? PUNCH the "READ MORE" break below!
Recently it was announce that the original casting for the Yellow Ranger on Power Rangers Ninja Steel had been recast from Chantz Simpson to Nico Greetham. The office release is below:
The Power Rangers Ninja Steel cast is on set and excited to start filming soon! For a sneak peek, check out the attached, exclusive behind the scenes image of the cast. Ranger Update: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the role of the Yellow Ranger was re-cast and we’re excited to announce the awesomely talented Nico Greetham will be playing the role of the Yellow Ranger. It’s going to be an amazing 24th season!”
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Over the weekend at PowerMorphicon Saban revealed the actors that will be playing the Ninja Steel Rangers.
It is worth noting that Peter Sudarso is the brother of Yoshi Sudarso who played the Blue Ranger on Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge. Yoshi was unaware that his brother would be playing the new Ninja Steel Blue Ranger until Saban brought the new cast out on stage at PowerMorphicon this weekend! Power Rangers Ninja Steel is set to air in January 2017. Looking for more information on Power Rangers Ninja Steel? PUNCH the button below! Interested in more Power Rangers News & Reviews?
PUNCH the buttons the below to activate the Viewing Globe! Earlier today the IGN Snapchat revealed the Power Rangers Ninja Steel. Power Rangers Ninja Steel is set to be the next series in the Power Rangers franchise. Check the logo below and PUNCH the button provided for addition Ninja Steel info!
October 2019