Designed directly from the Power Rangers Zeo series this Legacy Golden Power Staff is an actual size replica of the one used by the Gold Zeo Ranger! Featuring show accurate lights and sounds along with die cast metal parts this item is priced at $154.99 and you can pre-order it from Entertainment Earth!
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Pre-Order the Power Rangers Legacy Zeo Zeonizer Morpher from Entertainment Earth Today! Currently priced at $104.99 this morpher is the next in the series and will be a great addition to any collection! Featuring show accurate lights and sounds along with premium die-cast parts the Zeonizer is perfect for display or cosplay. Estimated Release Date February 2018!
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The powerful Dragonzord is coming to the Super Mini Pla series with a fantastic 6" figure that will combine with the Super Mini Pla Dino Megazord to form the Mega Dragonzord! This figure is priced at $44.99 and is estimated to ship in August of 2017!
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The Dino Megazord is coming to the Super Mini Pla Series and this is your chance to pre-order this 6" combining Megazord! Each individual Zord will change and combine to form the Dino Megazord! This figure is currently priced at $59.99 and estimated to arrive in August 2017!
PUNCH the button below to pre-order yours today!
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The Power Rangers Legacy line is going strong and with the addition of the Legacy Ranger teams that come with pieces to build a Megazord it was only a matter of time before the Power Rangers Movie Rangers & Megazord were added to the mix! The Legacy Rangers & Alpha 5 for this set are $19.99 each and are a Toys R Us Exclusive! The Movie Rangers each have 20 points of articulation and are 6.5 Inches tall. Being a Toys R Us Exclusive can make these Rangers a bit hard to find, but our friend from Instagram Chronokinesis was able to get a picture of a Toys R Us shelf label. Using the image below at the store with customer service should help you find these figures fairly quickly. Make sure you PUNCH on over to his Instagram page and check out his posts!
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The Power Rangers Metals Die Cast figures are part of the Jada Toys line. They are 4" tall and will cost you anywhere from $9.99 - $12.99 depending on the figure. Below you can see the Black, Yellow & Blue Rangers of this figure line and also where to buy them!
The packaging for the Metals Die Cast line is very nice, they are stack able if you want to leave the figures inside the packaging and give you a nice way to display the figures. When removing the figure from the packaging it is important to note that the design of the package requires you to remove the figure from the button not the top. Once free from the outer packaging you need to cut the tape holding the plastic shell to the cardboard. The figure itself is held into the plastic shell with various plastic ties that are twisted in the back of the plastic shell. It can be a bit annoying to untwist the ties but I do not recommend using a scissor for this process, you risk scratching the paint on the figure. The back of the package shows the other Rangers that are available :
Aside from a few missing details such as the weapons missing the Power Coin symbol and the Blade Blasters not being painted these figures really are designed very nicely. The weapons are made of a soft plastic so I urge caution when taking them out of the plastic packaging to avoid bending them. There is also a small pivot joint in the waist which allows you to twist the torso of each Ranger slightly.
Even though they are missing a few details, these Power Rangers figures really stand out and will add to any display you may have. The price is great and paint job is done very well. This is why the Power Rangers Metals Die Cast figures get....
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PUNCH the buttons below to activate the Viewing Globe! Now you can have the power of the Red Ranger's famous sword! The Red Ranger Power Sword has been re-created with amazing details and will make a great addition to any Power Ranger collection! It is important to note that this is the first time Bandai has made a Legacy version of this weapon! This item will run you anywhere from $74.99 to $89.99 depending on where you purchase it from and is expected to release between July & August 2017! PUNCH the link below to Pre-Order yours today!
The Power Rangers : Ninja Steel Ninja Star Blade is priced at $34.99, has lights & Sound functions, an extending blade and comes with 1 Ninja Battle Star. This price point seems a bit high for something that does so little and lacks a lot of details. PUNCH the "Read More" break below to see what you think!
The Power Rangers Movie : Battle Megazord is sold with each Zord separately and can be combined to form the Battle Megazord. Each Zord comes with an accessory as well as a Ranger figure and when combined will stand about 2 feet tall! It is rare for Bandai to sell Ranger Zords individually especially in this size but they did it and I bought it. The Zord pricing is listed below.
This will bring your total cost to build this Megazord to $119.95 + Tax! PUNCH the "READ MORE" break below to learn more! PACKAGINGSince the T-Rex Zord released a few weeks before the rest I have already reviewed it and it will not be included in this review, however you can PUNCH the button below to check it out! The zords are held into open packaging by zip-ties and once cut the Zord is free. Also visible on the front is the Ranger figure that comes with the Zord, also a cool accessory is that the Pterodactyl comes with a Putty Patroler figure since is has no missles. The back of the packaging shows the Zord as well as some features such as missiles or where the Ragner sits. It also shows the rest of the Zords in the set and what they combine into. THE ZORDSThe Zords themselves have started to grow on me more and do look very cool, even if the Mastodon has 8 legs and launches giant spider webs and the Triceratops has 6 legs for no explained reason at this time. They are detailed enough for a $19.99 toy and are very easy to change into thier Megazord parts. Below you will see the Zords the Ranger Figures and the Zords transformed into their Megazord part. MASTODON BATTLE ZORDPTERODACTYL BATTLE ZORDTRICERATOPS BATTLE ZORDSABERTOOTH TIGER BATTLE ZORDMEGAZORD MODESIZE COMPARISONThe fully combined Megazord is very big, it stands taller than the Interactive Megazod but slightly shorter than the Imaginext Megazord. The lack of joints makes it slightly in the way with the weapons in its hands so you will need to find a place to display it that also does not obstruct walking. I have walked into this Megazord's weapons about 5 times since putting it together. Another thing worth noting is that the lack of joints gives you limited ways to pose it. FINAL THOUGHTS
The Battle Megazord is really a nice piece to add to your colleciton of Power Rangers Movie Toys. It brings us a very large combining Megazord as well as a look at how the actual movie Megazord is going to be. The price point is a bit high but is not a killer. I fully expect these Zords to become harder to find as it gets closer to the movie and to most likely be off the shelf by the time the movie is released. I suggest picking them up now while you can so you do not regret it later on! The Power Rangers Movie : Battle Megazord gets 4 OUT OF 5 PUNCHES! Interested in more Power Rangers News, Reviews & Merchandise?
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The Power Rangers Movie has brought back an old favorite of the Power Rangers toy line with the updated movie Rangers! The flip head figures have shown up on but are showing as sold out and have no release date as of yet. If you are unfamiliar with the "Flip Head Rangers" with the origianls when you pushed the Morpher on their belts the head of the Ranger would "Flip" around and the Ranger would then have on his or her helmet. However it seems these flips heads function a bit differently based on the images, and might require an arm and leg movement to activate.These figures are priced at $14.99 and are stating they come with 3 LR41 batteries, so its safe to say that these flip figures have received an upgrade and now may sport some sounds! Check out the images of the Black & Red Rangers below!
Something else I would like to point out is that when the Ranger does not have the helmet on the diamond on the chest plate is gone. This could indicate that if the full suit is not on then the Ranger might have less power or possibly no power at all? Just a thought.
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After 10,000 years she finally gets a figure! Rita Repulsa (played by Elizabeth Banks) in the upcoming Power Rangers Movie is getting a 5" figure! This item is priced at $9.99 has 13 points of articulation and is showing up on but is showing out of stock with no release date. Rita Repulsa is part of the wave 2 run in the 5" figure line. Check out the image below!
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Today images surfaced of a new Putty figure for the Power Rangers Movie. The toy is currently showing up on but is labeled "Out Of Stock" there is no release date listed on their site. This figure seems to have some arm smashing action and is the normal Putty gray color. This design is different from the original Putties from the T.V. show which should not come as a surpise to anybody that has been following the movie details so far. This Putty seems to have some type of rebarb inside of it and is possibly made of concrete from a damaged building? The Smashing Putty Toy is currently priced at $14.99 and requires 3 LR41 batteries which are included, so this figure might possibly contain sounds from the movie unless the batteries are just for the swinging arms. Check out the image below!
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The Power Rangers Movie 5" figures have become available in stores as of today and wave 1 consists of the Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow & Red Rangers as well as Alpha 5. These figures are five inches tall, sold separately and are priced at $9.99 each. These items come in a multi-packs which means if you are going to Target to look for them you will need the multi-pack DPCI which I have been unable to obtain, if you go to Toys R Us you need the "R Web #" from which is : 010429. This is used to track all figures in the set.
To learn more about the Power Ranges Movie 5" figures PUNCH the "READ MORE" break below! Today a commercial for the Power Rangers Movie interactive Megazord surfaced on the Power Rangers YouTube page showing the Megazord in action, but it also shows a villain that everyone has been asking to see for a long time. The figure shown below in screen shots from the YouTube video is definitely gold and has the sword and wings similar to what Goldar would have. This figure is around the same height as the interactive Megazord. Now obviously the commercial was designed to highlight the Interactive Megazord which is available "Only At Toys R Us" but they had to know that everyone was going to focus on the mysterious gold figure that is fighting the Megazord. I know everyone is going to be up in arms about this character design but it is possible that Goldar has not fully formed yet. Additionally I want to point out how similar to the Megazord that Goldar looks, especially around the head, chest and legs. Is it possible that Goldar is formed from the Megazord itself? Is Goldar a Megazord? Is Goldar piloting an evil Megazord? This is obviously all speculation but they are all decent ideas as to what could be going on. It is also possible that Goldar is just a big melting gold mess designed by somebody who has never seen the show and just took "gold" and ran with it.
The Power Rangers Movie is set to teleport into theaters on March 24, 2017 nation wide. Below you can see the full commercial as well as some screen shots. The Power Rangers Movie : Interactive Megazord is available only at Toys R Us and is priced at $59.99. This figure has lights and sounds from the movie and also includes 5 mini Ranger figures, the lights and sounds are interesting with the Rangers the following phrases "Lets swing a right hook in it", " Lets take the fight to the skys", "Activating foot thrusters.", "Look I can punch him." and "Oh man, That's alot of gold". The last 2 phrases are interesting, why are all of the Rangers saying something semi cool while yellow gets to say "Look I can punch him!" it seems weird also the phrase "That's alot of gold" is this a reference to Goldar being in the movie or did they just stumble on to a large gold reserve? INTERACTIVE MEGAZORDThe Megazord itself is designed very well, with the exception of no bendable knee joints, which i find odd. The lights and sounds are clear and easy to understand and the feet also light up when lifted off the table, ground or whatever you have it standing on. The wings can be opened and closed with a lever on the back and the sword on the hand has a lever as well. I am going to point out that the back of the Megazord is where all of the screws are located so he looks like he was just in a shoot out and only took bullets to the backside. I feel like they could have tried to hide these screw holes a bit better but just chose not to. There really is not anything overly good and overly bad about this figure, the price point is a bit high but everything "Only At Toys R Us" usually is, the mini figures are detailed enough but dont have bendable knees or elbows. FINAL THOUGHTS
It is a nice piece to have, but posing can be a problem since it has limited joint connections. Interested in more Power Rangers News, Reviews & Merchandise? PUNCH the buttons below to activate the Viewing Globe!
The Power Rangers Movie has been working hard to show us that this is a reboot of the 90's series and we should not expect alot of similarities from the Rangers suits, to the Zords and even the Red Rangers Power Sword. The new sword has taken on more of an alien feel similar to the alien designs we have seen in the suits, morphers and zords and is priced at $29.99. The Power Rangers movie is set to teleport into theaters on March 24th 2017! PUNCH the "READ MORE" break below to check out the Power Rangers Movie Red Ranger Power Sword toy review! PUCHASE TODAY!The Power Rangers Movie is set to release in theaters on March 24th 2017 and we have finally started to see some of the movie toys showing up in stores. The T-Rex Zord is piloted by the Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott who is being played by actor Dacre Montgomery. The T-Rex Zord for the new movie is quite different than the original T-Rex and is showing how the franchise is trying to pull away from it Super Sentai roots. To find out more about the T-Rex Battle Zord figure PUNCH the "READ MORE" break below!
The Power Ranger Ninja Steel Ninja Star packs have started to hit retailers right before the 2016 holiday season and you can pick up the 1st wave of 6 packs containing Legendary Rangers, Legendary Teams of Rangers, Ninja Steel Rangers, Power Up Stars & Zord Stars.
PUNCH the "READ MORE" break to continue! The Power Rangers Ninja Steel : DX Ninja Battle Morpher is showing up in stores right before the holidays and will certainly be a hot sell with Ninja Steel starting in 2017. This item is priced at $29.99 and comes with 2 Ninja Stars, one for the Red Rangers and the other for the Yellow Ranger. Want to learn more about the Ninja Battle Morpher? PUNCH the "READ MORE" break below!
Power Rangers Movie toys have started showing up at retailed across the country and one of those big items on that movie toy list is the Movie Morpher priced at $39.99 and coming with the 5 power coins. Below I will break down the movie Morpher showing the packaging, coins, the lights & sounds functions. The Power Rangers Movie with Morph into theaters on March 24, 2017.
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The Power Rangers Movie Interactive Megazord figure made its debut this evening on social media and the reaction from fans are mixed. The post does not give much description on size but does state that the movie Megazord will feature "expandable wings, battle sounds, dynamic LED effects & more!" it also says that this figure with come with all five 2" rangers. We can expect a to see pre-sale dates showing up on the newly formed which is not fully functional yet soon according to the rest of the post.
The Movie Megazord does keep with the alien technology theme that they have been talking about and it resembles parts of the new Power Ranger suits with the glowing chest diamond. This figure has a very Ultraman style feel to it and if you look closely you can see some hinges on the stomach and above the knee pads, these could possibly open to reveal some other weapons or maybe attachment ports for something else such as additional armor? It is very hard to tell where the actual Zords go just by looking at this new figure, we can clearly see some yellow on the stomach area, black and gray coloring all over, blue on the feet, red and pink towards the top. What do you think of the Power Rangers Movie Megazord? PUNCH a comment below!
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A few days ago an image appeared on the LEGO Ideas webpage for a Power Rangers LEGO set. If you are unfamiliar with Lego Ideas, here is how it works, anybody can submit an idea with images of what they would like to see LEGO create, these ideas are then posted onto the LEGO Ideas website for public view and need to "Gather Support" once the idea gathers support from 10,000 people then it can move forward to the approval page, this is when LEGO will start to contact the owners of the property in question, in this case SABAN Brands and ask to partner with them to create this LEGO product. It is 100% possible that a LEGO Idea can gather its support but never make it to production because the owner of the property either wants too much money to license the idea or reject the idea all together.
This LEGO Idea is designed to be the Command Center and will include seven Rangers: Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green & White. The set is also designed to include Zordon in his tube as well as Alpha 5, the Rangers helmets can be removed too which is a nice added touch.
However THE RANGERS NEED YOUR HELP! This project can only reach the "approved" phase once is has the support of 10,000 fans! We all know that the Ranger Nation is way bigger than 10,000 people and this should be easy! As of right now The Power Rangers LEGO Command Center has the support of 631 people and 423 days left to reach the 10,000 support mark! All you need to do is create a profile with the LEGO Ideas website, click SUPPORT and answer 5 short questions about the product. PUNCH the button below, sign up to support this project and share this post with all of your friends and social media accounts so everyone can register and support the idea too! Get the word out and as a group I know we can reach that 10,000 person support mark in no time!
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Yesterday www.RangerNation.Com which will be fully launching in November released images of the Power Rangers Movie Morpher, Power Sword & The T-Rex Zord toys! This is the first look we have been given at any of the toys besides the Legacy Movie Figures we were shown at SDCC 2016 and NYCC 2016.
The toys are in normal price range for Power Ranger Figures and have started showing up as pre-order items on multiple websites. (Prices listed Below are from Entertainment Earth.) Movie Morpher With Coins - $31.99 Power Sword - $31.99 T-Rex Zord - $44.99 Below I have posted images of each item, a brief description and a pre-order button. Power Rangers Movie Morpher & Power Coins
Insert the Power Coins to activate LED lights and sounds based on the film. Includes all five Ranger coins. To Pre-Order the Power Rangers Movie Morpher PUNCH the button below!
Power Rangers Movie - Power Sword
Sliding your hand into the Power Sword will activate lights and sounds. You can use Training Mode to gain combat advice from the Rangers. Switch to Battle Mode to hear battle sounds from the movie. The motion-sensor enhanced sound effects activate when you swing and make contact with the enemy.
PUNCH the button below to Pre-Order the Power Rangers Movie Power Sword! Power Rangers Movie : T-Rex Zord
The Power Rangers Movie T-Rex Epic Battle Zord includes a 2" tall Red Ranger figure and features missile-firing action, exploding & movie-accurate sounds. The Red Ranger will sit in the Zord's mouth cockpit, and from there he can strafe enemies with the Zord's back-mounted missile cannon! Combine the Dino Zord with other DX Zords to create the massive 24" tall Megazord!
PUNCH the button below to Pre-Order the Power Rangers Movie T-Rex Zord!
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The Legacy Ninja Megazord was set to release in early November but Toys R Us has been selling it in stores and online since early October. This figure is priced at $99.99 and brings us the Legacy Ninja Ape, Wolf, Crane, Frog and Bear Zords to go along with the previously released Legacy Falconzord, for more information continue reading or PUNCH the read more break below depending on how you got here.
If you haven't seen or heard about it yet, Bandai has partnered with Tamashii Nations to bring us a Dino Megazord / Soul of Chogokin figure that is approximately 12" tall when combined, made with die-cast metal parts and can separate into each individual Zord. The Tamashii Nations Dino Zords can even combine into their attack mode formation.
This figure is priced at $299.99 and will be released on June 15th 2017. Below I have posted links to Pre-Order the Tamashii Nations Dino Megazord from Amazon & from Entertainment Earth. Just PUNCH the image from the site you want to Pre-Order from! Both companies are offering free shipping for this product.
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October 2019